If you are considering a bathroom refurbishment, it all starts with the design. From vintage, to contemporary, to thinking completely outside the box… how will your new bathroom look?
Synergy Plumbing Services have been serving the East Midlands for many years. In addition to our reliable plumbing repair work, and boiler servicing and installation, our highly skilled team regularly undertakes major bathroom refurbishments. Here are some things to consider when designing your perfect space. Of course, if you need assistance, please contact us today.
It’s surprising to think that it is only since the 1970s that an indoor bathroom has been considered common place. In that time, we’ve moved away from furry carpets and garishly coloured suites. Our choice in mats has changed over the years, opting for more tasteful styles and textures. But there are some seemingly radical changes that are starting to appear.
Bathroom suite colour
Many people have moved away from banana-yellow and lime-green bathroom suites, instead choosing for the timeless white approach, but interior designers are increasingly turning to black baths and basins. A starkly coloured bathroom suite colour makes a huge statement.
Bathroom mat colours
Whether you opt for a black or (more likely) white suite, the mats in your bathroom can compliment the design. Go for a minimalistic approach by matching the colour of your mat to the rest of the suite, or create contrast by choosing an opposing colour.
Tile size and colour
Never have there been more sizes of tile available. From small mosaic style tiles, all the way to large format tiles, few bathrooms are completed without some form of tiling. Walk-in areas and showers are increasingly becoming tiled, and the range of colours and designs are vast. Of course, there is also wall panelling to consider, and this provides additional textures and finishes too.
It’s all in the finish
Whether you would like your bathroom to have a stone feel, or chrome, or feature some beautiful vintage units, it is all in the finish. Compliment your bathroom with accessories that contribute to the look and feel that you require. Want to go vintage? Why not up-cycle some old furniture. Prefer modern? A heated towel radiator could work wonders. Even if you don’t plan on tiling the whole bathroom, you might consider tiling a feature wall or making a bold pattern in one area. From the style of tap, to the power of your shower, Synergy can help, so get in touch today and let’s design the perfect bathroom space.